Things you need to know about fever.

What is considered a normal temperature?
A normal temperature is 98.6 degrees fahrenheit. Throughout the day, your temperature may vary by a degree or more 97 degrees to 99 degrees and may still be considered normal. Usually it is lower in the morning and higher in the afternoon.
What do you feel if you have a fever?
Some people that have a fever feel that their skin is warm to touch, especially on the forehead. Usually people with fevers have symptoms such as sweating, flushed cheeks, the skin feeling hot, or the chills. The most accurate way to check for a fever is a thermometer. A normal temperature is 98.6 degrees. A fever is classified as temperature over 100.4 degrees fahrenheit. Basically when you have a fever, most of the time you know it. Your body just doesn’t feel right. Take notice!
What are the four types of fever?
There are four types of fever: Continuous, Intermittent, Remittent, Hyperpyrexia.
Continuous fevers are temperatures over 100.4 degrees fahrenheit that last over 24 hours. These are commonly associated with a severe bacterial or viral illness.
Intermittent fevers are temperatures over 100.4 degrees fahrenheit that are present for a certain amount of time and then disappear. The fever then reappears in a cycle. This is common with sepsis and malaria.
Remittent fevers are similar to continuous fevers. They are temperatures over 100.4 during a 24 hour period but they fluctuate more than one degree. These are common with the bacteria Streptococcus aureus which can affect the heart and skin.
Hyperpyrexia is a fever over 106 degrees fahrenheit. This is a medical emergency and you need to call 911.
***On the telehealth platform, we can give you guidance and support when dealing with a fever, and help you decide what to do.
When should I be worried about a fever?
Any fever over 100.4 needs to be assessed by a medical provider. Fevers with shaking chills, listlessness, drowsiness, neck pain, seizures, or a fever over 103 can be a medical emergency that may need immediate intervention.