Category Archives: Mental Health

Obesity and Mental Health: Psychological Factors in Weight Management

Obesity is a complex health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. It is often associated with physical health problems […]

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Anxiety Treatment: A User-Friendly Guide

What’s the Deal with Anxiety? Imagine a cozy coffee shop. You’re sipping your latte, chatting with friends, when suddenly—bam! Anxiety […]

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Mirtazapine: A Journey Through Shadows and Dreams

Mirtazapine In the quiet corners of existence, where the veil between reality and reverie is thin, there exists a tetracyclic […]

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What is Anxiety and How to Treat It?

Anxiety disorders are the most common psychiatric disorders for both children and adults in the United States. There are multiple […]

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ADHD: The Signs and Solutions for the Disorder

What are the symptoms of ADHD? ADHD is a brain condition. It makes it hard to control impulses or stay […]

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How Do I Know If My Shortness of Breath Is from Anxiety?

Determining whether your shortness of breath is from anxiety or from another cause may seem tricky. While anxiety may cause […]

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Holiday Anxiety Blues: Why we get them and what you can do about it?

The holiday season is typically viewed as a time of happiness and rejoicing. But for some, it can be a […]

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Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety is characterized by excessive worry and feelings of anxiousness that are difficult to control, causing significant distress and impairment. […]

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Three things everyone should know if they have Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder(ADHD)

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a condition which can make it hardfor people to concentrate, perform daily tasks, […]

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Top 5 Essential Mental Health Tips

The world today is more complex and confusing than ever before. It seems as though there are curveballs constantly being […]

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