Category Archives: Heart

Unlocking the Secrets to a Heart-Healthy Diet: Your Guide to Deliciousness and Wellness

Maintaining a heart-healthy diet is like giving your body a high five – it’s a simple yet powerful way to […]

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Heart Attack 101: Unmasking the Silent Intruder with Umedoc

Welcome to our cozy corner of the web where we unravel the mysteries of health, one heartbeat at a time. […]

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A-Fib: A Dance of Misaligned Heartbeats

In the quiet chambers of the heart, where rhythm weaves its delicate tapestry, there exists a clandestine waltz—an aberrant dance […]

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Things You Should Eat and Avoid with Heart Disease

Diet for Heart Disease For those with heart disease, maintaining a heart healthy diet is an important part of managing […]

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What is cardiac arrest?

What is cardiac arrest? Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart suddenly stops functioning. This is because the heart’s electrical system […]

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What to Eat and Avoid After a Stroke

After having a stroke, diet is an important part of recovering and preventing another one. Eating healthy foods can help […]

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Heart Attack and How to Find it?

What is a Heart Attack? A heart attack, or myocardial infarction (MI), occurs when coronary arteries are completely blocked, leading […]

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What to eat and avoid after a stroke

Is Diet Important? After having a stroke, diet is an important part of recovering and preventing another one. Eating healthy […]

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Atrial Fibrillation: The Rhythm of Stroke and Heart Failure

What is atrial fibrillation? Atrial fibrillation is the most common cardiac arrhythmia. Cardiac remodeling results in changes to the atria […]

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