Tag Archives: fatigue

Atogepant: Your Migraine Superhero!

What’s the Buzz About Atogepant? Atogepant, the caped crusader of migraine prevention, swoops in under the brand name Qulipta. Imagine […]

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Whispering Shadows: The Haunting Tale of Influenza

The Flu: A Sinister Visitor In the dead of winter, when frost clings to windowpanes like ghostly fingers, a malevolent […]

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COPD: Breathing Easy, One Day at a Time

Meet the Lung Drama Club Imagine your lungs throwing a wild party. The DJ? Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It’s […]

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Sickle Cell Crisis: A Real-Life Rollercoaster

Picture This: Your Blood Cells on a Wild Adventure So, you’ve got this thing called sickle cell anemia. It’s like having […]

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What are signs of dehydration?

What is dehydration? On average, about 60% of a human’s body weight is made of water. Water is essential for […]

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Heart Attack and How to Find it?

What is a Heart Attack? A heart attack, or myocardial infarction (MI), occurs when coronary arteries are completely blocked, leading […]

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What Are Symptoms of Norovirus and How to Manage It?

What is the Norovirus? Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that causes gastroenteritis which is inflammation of the stomach and […]

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